29 June 2008


School ended for the year this past week. My memory of Kindergarten is fairly distant after all these years, but I have a vague sense that my son got much more out of it than I ever did at his age. (Or perhaps this is something you only begin to appreciate as a parent.) He's beginning to read and write on his own, complete with his own charmingly awkward spelling. It's fun to watch him puzzle words out for himself, exciting when he spontaneously recognizes them.

As a child, I remember how much I enjoyed the unstructured days of Summer ― though I'm somewhat more apprehensive about all this as a parent, perhaps even the slightest bit resentful at the loss of my unstructured days. (They may be unstructured, but they've still been busy.) The loss will only be a temporary one, though ― my son has been recommended for Summer classes, which will start in another week, and there are other activities planned, as well.

In the meanwhile, we've been enjoying the days spent together.

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