11 August 2008


I heard from two people (under different circumstances) I used to work with today, people I haven't seen or spoken with in years.

I have a habit of leaving people behind as I travel through life — even people I've shared a great deal with, cared a great deal for. It's a bad habit I have, I suppose, of never looking back for much longer than a glance.

Many, many years ago, I rekindled a brief correspondence with an old girlfriend I'd lost touch with years before — she had been married and divorced, and had a daughter who was 11 months old. I still think about her from time to time. Having since been through a similar experience, I've come to understand that I had no idea what she was going through.

I did some research a year or two ago, and managed to find (what I'm fairly certain is) her address. I've been meaning to write to her again.

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