19 October 2010


My eight-year-old, the poor kid, is in absolute dread that his third grade teacher might be mad at him. Not always, just in those moments when he's uncertain over aspects of his homework, something he thinks he should or shouldn't have done. I've done my best to calm him, and reassure him that he has nothing to worry about, but geez, once that kid gets all worked up over something, it can be difficult to convince him otherwise.

I know third grade is asking more of him, but he's excited (mostly) by the challenge. It's still early in the school year, and I've met his teacher only once (and briefly, at that), but I know he likes her. There's just this quiet anxiety that seems turns up every so often.

I didn't tell him that I've had people mad at me, too. (I didn't tell him that because if I did, I'd have to explain why people might be mad at me, and that's not really a discussion I want to have with anyone, much less my eight-year-old.)

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