29 May 2008


I've had surprising success selling off the stuff that had accumulated in my attic, much better than I had expected. I've made enough to cover the costs of the new iMac (which was what motivated me to do this after so many years), almost enough to cover the additional memory and new software. I still have a few more items to list, which I ought to attend to before my enthusiasm for this disappears once more.

I have several auctions that close today — one in particular seems to have attracted a good deal of interest, if the number of people watching it is anything to go by. It's an old portable computer, one I've had for almost twenty years — I had bought it with an old girlfriend, for her to use while she was recuperating from surgery (though I don't think she ever used it as much as I did). It seems to have become increasingly rare as the years have gone by, and I'm anxious and impatient to see what it will sell for.

For the most part, though, I'm just glad to get this stuff out of the house, at last. I like the idea that someone will put it to better use than I have over the past several years. I received an excited letter from someone who had bought a set of old books, to say how much he had been looking forward to reading them. That's meant a great deal to me.

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