12 October 2008

Pushing Daisies

I'm catching up with Pushing Daisies, a series I highly recommend — even having seen only one episode. (I was completely enchanted by the pilot when I watched it last year, but I don't have much patience for watching network television these days, even with a DVR and my twitchy fast-forward button finger. So I've borrowed the recent DVD release.) It's smart and silly, whimsical and magical, bigger than life, and deeply appealing to my romantic nature. I'm still not sure how far they can go with this premise — but it's such an offbeat premise and such a charming series that I cannot help but be intrigued.

I found it curious that the DVD offers a bewildering range of language choices: you can watch the show in English or Portuguese, or see subtitles in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, two different Asian languages, and one other I didn't recognize. (I looked it up — it's Thai.)

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