03 December 2008


I thought the best solution would be to just go to the Apple Store. The closest one is about an hour away, more or less, but it's a pleasant drive, when you know the alternate route. I'd leave as soon as I got my son on the bus in the morning, and I could (hopefully) be there and back before too much of the day was lost.

No sooner had I parked the car when I realized — I had completely forgotten to bring the credit card I wanted to use! I made a quick call to check on the balance of another in my wallet, though, and I was hopeful I had enough to cover an iPod.

It turned out, though, that I didn't — I was off by just over a dollar!

It's now several hours later. I've given in and ordered one from Best Buy. (I have to go and pick it up.) I don't like shopping at Best Buy — the reasons why have been lost to time immemorial, but I've had enough unpleasant experiences there that I'll use them only as a last resort (and even then, only to pick up something ordered online). But they're five minutes away, and the iPod was on sale.

Such is the way the week has been going.

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