17 December 2009


I let my son watch Mythbusters with me from time to time, when I think there's something he'll find interesting — say, two trucks crashing into one another at full-speed (what seven-year-old wouldn't want to see that?), or a holiday-themed Rube Goldberg contraption.

I try to emphasize the science involved (or at least, the scientific method, something he's been learning in school this year), but mostly I like showing him people building stuff, trying, failing, trying again and then (hopefully) succeeding — and having lots of fun with science. And Kari Byron is a girl who builds stuff (and occasionally blows it up) — not so much a role model (not for a seven-year-old boy), but a good example. (Why is it that Mythbusters seems like the only series left on The Discovery Channel these days that isn't completely overwhelmed by testosterone?)

Later, I've promised to show him the remote-controlled bus. (Yeah, it crashes, but he'll like that.)

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