The problem with a book about Popeye, particularly one being written and published without the cooperation of King Features, is that it can be difficult to find good art for a cover. The Author and I just about gave in to that conceit at the beginning of the process, and when he suggested "a can of spinach," I thought that was an idea that might be made to work — even better, I thought it might be made to work by photographing a real can and real spinach.

The Author and I agreed that the idea showed promise, so a week or so later (on a sunny day), I set up a small area to do some photography. This took place, believe it or not, in the Master Bathroom — there's a skylight, just above a sort of recessed shelf, which allows for lots of light. I had a roll of white paper that I put up to diffuse the light and to act as a backdrop.
I bought a few different cans (I wasn't sure which size would work best), a new can opener (that required an unanticipated return trip to the grocery store), and a large quantity of fresh spinach — much much more than I needed. (Yeah, I know, fresh spinach looks nothing like what you'd find in a can — but fresh spinach is easier to handle and much more photogenic. I'm not sure you can even buy spinach in a can these days. Can you?) So I set everything up, carefully selecting and placing the spinach leaves — then tore it all down and started all over again. And then I was ready.

One full rich working day later, I had cleaned and brightened the spinach (removing anything unsightly), removed the spinach at the bottom right (it didn't work as well as I had expected), put that spinach into the can, and added a label with the title of the book. (It might have taken less time, but I get incredibly fussy with projects like this in Photoshop.) And the result was something like this.

(And as a result of all this, my son has acquired a fondness for spinach, which can't be all bad.)
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