09 February 2008


I'm trying to remember just where I got this idea that preparing an Index in InDesign was a relatively quick and easy process. I'd done it once before, many months ago, and I somehow came away from that experience with the idea that most of the work could be automated.

It took most of Thursday for me to work out how to import the list of topics (which had been prepared by the author of the book I've been working on), and that's when I realized that I'd have to search for at least one occurrence of each and every entry, and only then would I be able to rely on InDesign to automatically generate the index.

It's a good bet I had to do all of this the last time I had to compile an index — I've no idea why it completely escaped my memory!

I probably could have sent the task back to the author, but I promised I would do it. I should be finished with it tomorrow, and quite ready to move on to another project.

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