15 February 2008


I'm taking the morning off. At least, this is how it seems to have ended up. After I got my son on the bus, I sat down at my desk, glanced at the piles of paper and receipts that have been ignored this week (while I've been working on a book project), and decided I'd sort through them today, but not now.

There are usually cats sitting on my desk, which isn't all that conducive to productivity. (It's not a large desk.) They tend to curl up and sleep on the piles of paper, but one of them has the habit of sitting upright in the middle of my desk, not-very-patiently waiting for a chance to sit in my chair. He sits, staring through me at the chair, waiting for his chance. Occasionally, he'll try to crawl around me, thinking he might squeeze into some imagined space behind me.

I've put beds in the office for the cats, large baskets lined with blankets that are positioned near the baseboard heater for warmth. They're used, occasionally, but the office chair is preferred.

It's a good thing I have a MacBook, or I'd never get any work done.

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