25 September 2008

To Do

I'm employing a new tactic in my never-ending pursuit of the goal of getting things done — the familiar To Do List. I tend to be well-organized by my nature, and it's rare that I completely forget what needs to be done. But I tend to procrastinate, and there are times when I'm far too easily distracted, and a moment away becomes an hour, becomes an afternoon.

My hope is that by compiling a list, I'll guilt myself — perhaps shame myself — into accomplishing more.

So I now have a program on my iPhone, which will synchronize with a web-based to-do list, which allows me to use another service, which will transcribe notes dictated into my cell phone and add them to the list.

(One of the other features this service provides is the ability to compose simple, brief blog posts — in fact, parts of this post were composed by phone. I can't imagine using it all that often, though. Not only am I limited to 15-second recordings, I tend to compulsively re-write and edit my work. And I cannot abide the thought of spelling errors.)

It might sound much more complicated than it is, and perhaps it is, but we'll see how it works.

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