27 March 2009


I've been kept pleasantly busy this week, but only just — I think if I had tried to fit anything more into the past several days, it would have become tense and unpleasant.

Four books are in various states of completion, with two others that await my attention. One-and-a-half covers have been designed (was the other half done last week? Or the week before?), and I'll soon start on another (both halves). Several hours have been spent in research, with several more to come. Miscellaneous paperwork has been attended to.

I'm looking forward to the peace and quiet this weekend will provide, but only because this will allow me to be more productive.

The benefit of self-employment is also the complication of self-employment — I'm free to set my own schedule, but the barrier between work and everything else is flexible, often tenuous.

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