29 April 2009

Due Diligence

I've been working tenaciously for the past few days on a large book project, with a (mostly) self-imposed deadline. I'll sit down at the computer in the morning, almost as soon as I can get my six-year-old on the bus, and work straight through to the afternoon, when I pick him up from school — inevitably, a few minutes late. Then I'll return in the evening and spend several more hours working, past a sensible dinner, long past any sensible bedtime.

I do my best, with the hope that when I return to look over what I've done the next morning it doesn't look like I've put together the first design draft of a 500-page book during the course of only two or three days.

The lack of sleep is making it increasingly difficult for me to get started so early, though, and procrastination begins to set in. (And blog posting.)

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