Lots of different directions here, for the pages that start off the various section, though I knew I'd only follow through with something that would be easy to implement, given the constraints of the format. I also wanted to find something I could carry over to the cover, more or less — more on that in a moment.

I went simple and bold (there's an additional page for "Film," as well), and that typeface, Berthold City, is used extensively throughout the book.
I'd wanted to do something similar with the cover (I made note of an idea in the lower right corner of the set of thumbnail sketches), but that turned out to be a bit more involved. I had a very clear idea of what I'd intended at the start, so I didn't do more than a quick sketch to work out an idea I'd had about color. I was thinking it might be fun to do the cover predominantly green, not unlike to this book, which was predominantly yellow.
(The original plan was to set the word "Hulk" on the cover in Berthold City, but I didn't like the shape of the letter K. True story. As much as I like about that typeface, there are several aspects of it I don't — I even set the punctuation marks in the title in a different font.)
I think if I'd taken time to think on this a bit longer, and made some additional thumbnails, I probably could have saved myself all kinds of headache. Because when I started setting everything up I realized that using the word "Hulk" as a big design element was going to be trouble. The full title of the book is You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: A Hulk Companion, and I couldn't find a way to join "A" and "Companion" with that enormous "Hulk."

I thought I might make the word "Hulk" smaller (I didn't want to abandon it), thinking I could find a way to make it fit better as part of the title. But that didn't work, and I never really did solve that problem — not in an ideal way. Instead, I decided to just use the word as a big ol' graphic element, and set "A Hulk Companion" in small type, with the hope that I could find a way to keep the two from interfering with one another. (Why does it say "Hulk" on this cover twice?) I think I've managed that, though it was a process of trial and error.
And there was a great deal of trial, and of error. For whatever reason, I still wasn't completely satisfied with what I was coming up with, so I spent lots and lots (and lots) of time considering alternatives.

(By the way, the various shades of green are brighter and much more vibrant than these JPEG images seem able to demonstrate.)
Even after putting significant effort into it, I still wasn't ready to commit to my initial design, on the left. So I put together another (that's the one on the right), and tried to make everything work. But it really didn't. The word "Hulk" becomes less a graphic element, much more a word, across the center of the cover — when it's on that left edge, you know what it is, but it doesn't "read" the same. That, and there's much too much dead space around the photo on the bottom (which is more vertical), and even around the one on top (which is smaller than it should be in an effort to try to accommodate that photo on the bottom).
I think that second version might be made to work better, somehow, but the more I look at it? That's a cover that anyone could have done. It's just not the kind of cover that I would have done.
There's still something about that photo of Lou Ferrigno, though, that just isn't working for me — it's not that strong a pose, and because of this, it's just not that strong a cover photo. (The makeup seems different from what appeared in the TV series, as well). These are, however, the only two color photos I have. So I quickly put together a third alternative (by that time, it might even have been a fourth), abandoning the second photo altogether.

(I really love that photo, and the idea that it would have had to be painstakingly composed with multiple exposures, back in the day, rather than digitally composited.) That's better, I think, but again, there's that same problem with the redundant word "Hulk," now made much more prominent than ever. I could probably find a way to make it work (and who knows, I may have to, because I haven't submitted any of these designs yet!), but I think I'm going to follow the direction my instincts were taking me before I started doubting them.
(That green stripe that runs down the center, while visually connected to the front cover, is the spine. It's a 500-page book!)
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